Harold Pinter: Just Live

Harold Pinter (October 10, 1930-December 24, 2008)
Interview with James Grissom

Here's the truth of the matter: Asking me how I write is very much like asking me how I breathe. I don't know how I do it. I don't think about it very much, and when I do, I become self-conscious and do it with labor. But I recognize that I need to do it, and I continue to do it, in my own way, naturally and by virtue of habit. This is how the writing is. Or the loving. Or the reacting to things. We do these things in our own way in order to survive. If it is not a matter of survival--and if it is not uniquely yours--then I don't think it matters much. Just breathe. Just live. Just write. Or don't.

© 2013 James Grissom
From Artistic Suicide


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